ObjectivesPhysics and astrophysics are natural partners, as the two sciences share a great deal of common material and tradition. The laws of gravity and the finite speed of light were both originally conceived to explain cosmological data, while modern cosmology relies for its description of the early universe of the very early universe on the findings of particle physics. Our physics course provides a broad-based and intellectually demanding education across the whole spectrum of modern physics. It includes all the fundamental knowledge essential to the professional physicist, and will help you to develop the qualities and abilities physicists rely on. The astrophysics course is wide in its scope, providing a survey of the universe from the planets of our solar system to the most distant galaxies.
Entry requirementsEntry requirements GCE/VCE A Levels - ABB Two GCE A Levels plus two GCE AS Levels - AB + BB Scottish Highers - AAAB + AB in Advanced Highers Irish Leaving Cert. - AABBB International Baccalaureate - 33 points Core requirements: GCE A Level Physics and Maths. GCE AS Level Maths cannot replace GCE A Level Maths
Academic titleBSc Physics and Astrophysics
Course descriptionOur students usually select from a range of compulsory and optional modules to add up to 120 credits.
Some departments offer courses that don't feature optional modules whereas other courses are fully flexible.
Important notice :
This is a list of modules that have been offered in the past. We expect similar modules to be offered for courses starting in 2009.
This information is provided for illustration only and you should check with the department directly when applying to confirm module options.
Typical First Year Modules
Module/Unit Credits
Fields, Waves and Quanta 20
Introductory Mathematics for Physicists and Astronomers 20
Mechanics, Heat and Matter 20
Further Subsidiary Mathematics 10
Introduction to Astrophysics 10
Mathematics for Physicists 10
Observing the Night Sky: the Celestial Sphere and Astronomical Instruments 10
Our Evolving Universe 10
The Solar System 10
Typical Second Year Modules
Module/Unit Credits
Atomic Spectra and Relativity 10
Electromagnetism 10
Experimental Physics I 10
Extra-Solar Planets and Astrobiology 10
Galaxies 10
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Astronomy 10
Quantum Mechanics 10
Solids 10
Stellar Structure and Evolution 10
Techniques of Observation 10
The Dynamic Interstellar Medium 10
Thermal Physics 10
Typical Third Year Modules
Module/Unit Credits
Astronomy Project 10
Dark Matter and the Universe 10
History of Astronomy 10
Introduction to Cosmology 10
Nuclear Astrophysics 10
Relativity and Cosmology 10
Stellar Atmospheres 10
Techniques of Problem Solving in Physics & Astronomy 10