BSc Information and Communications Technology

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BSc Information and Communications Technology

  • Objectives * Prepares students to be effective in the ICT department of any organisation, opening the doors to a wide variety of public sector, private sector and voluntary organisations * Strong emphasis on the delivery of ICT as a service which focuses on meeting peoples information needs * Establishes a leading-edge knowledge of ICT which is ideal preparation for teaching ICT in schools and colleges in the 21st Century * Bridges the gap between ICT learnt in schools and colleges and ICT practised in businesses * Meets industry requirements for ICT-skilled graduates * Taught by experts who are researching at the forefront of ICT professionalism, ICT services and ICT software practice * Suits students with GCSE ICT, although ICT qualifications are not mandatory * Fits students for key roles in ICT without recourse to programming from first principles.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements * Normally 160 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of two subjects at Advanced Level (or equivalent) * And * Normally Five GCSE's at grade C or above (or equivalent), including English and Maths. However, we are also keen to talk to mature students (21+) who have relevant industry experience and/or relevant training but who do not meet the above formal qualifications. * BTEC Diploma/Certificate, Advanced VCE(s), Advanced GNVQ, Scottish Higher and Irish Leaving Certificate.
  • Academic title BSc Information and Communications Technology
  • Course description BSc Information and Communications Technology


    The focus of this ICT Degree is on understanding the client's needs for information, systems and services, analysing the business, services and technology requirements and mustering the hardware, software and people resources to meet the perceived need.

    The programme provides a broad range of technical and managerial skills. Technically the emphasis is on overall design of information systems, creation of tailored multimedia front-ends for systems and the linking of systems and resources together to create coherent ICT solutions and services. Managerially, the focus is on the continuous delivery of quality ICT services within the organisation.

    In the first year, students develop foundational skills in information system design, creatively developing multimedia business information presentations and understanding the social and technical building blocks of ICT.

    The second year turns the spotlight in more detail on business ICT. Applied ICT provides the core skills in business ICT including the implementation of networks and servers. Core database skills are taught.

    The final year enables the development of analytical, reporting and presentation skills through work on a project tackling a business problem in ICT delivery, implementation and support in practical and academic depth.
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