BSc (Hons) Interprofessional Practice - Post Graduate Certificate in Interprofessional Practice

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BSc (Hons) Interprofessional Practice - Post Graduate Certificate in Interprofessional Practice

  • Entry requirements The programme is a part-time, modular, work-based programme of study open to a wide range of professionals working in relevant settings with service users and carers. Qualified social worker working in a social care setting can top-up their Diploma in Social Work to the degree level through demonstration of relevant ability/experience OR For postgraduate study a good honours degree or other qualifications and/or experience, which demonstrate that you have the relevant ability/experience at the appropriate level to complete the programme successfully. Please note that these pathways meet the standards for the new national post qualifying framework for qualified social workers, and has been approved by the General Social Care Council (GSCC). All of the programmes have been developed to be relevant to other professionals working with service users and carers in related care, education and health settings, for example those working with service users and carers in a variety of professional contexts, including Health, Education and Social Housing in the statutory, voluntary and independent sectors. For postgraduate study a good honours degree or other qualifications and/or experience, which demonstrate that you have the relevant ability/experience at the appropriate level to complete the programme successfully.
  • Academic title BSc (Hons) Interprofessional Practice / Post Graduate Certificate in Interprofessional Practice
  • Course description Programme Details

    This is a top-up degree programme for those holding the Diploma in Social Work.

    Programmes will offer practitioners working with service users and carers in social care settings and other related settings the opportunity to develop their own capabilities, skills and competencies to an advanced level within the changing context of the national and international environment. It will help professionals to maximise their potential through an effective mix of taught elements with a clear focus on work-based learning and practice.

    Please note that these pathways meet the standards for the new national post qualifying framework for qualified social workers, and has been approved by the General Social Care Council (GSCC).

    Postgraduate Certificate in Interprofessional Practice, with a pathway in Working with Children and Young People, their Families and Carers.

    Further pathways are being developed in Working with Adults and Mental Health. In addition each of these pathways are being developed at Post Graduate Diploma and Master Level.

    Further pathways are being developed at Post Graduate Diploma and Master Level in ‘Leadership and Management’; ‘Practice Education’ and ‘Research in Practice’.


    All Programmes will offer practitioners the opportunity to develop their own capabilities, skills and competencies to an advanced level within the changing context of the national and international environment. It will help professionals to maximise their potential through an effective mix of taught elements with a clear focus on work-based learning and practice.

    Modules will be delivered on a flexible basis, which acknowledges the competing demands of professional and personal lives. Consequently there will be a mixture of teaching involving university attendance, attendance at action learning sets, individual tutorials and independent study.

    Every student will have a university based tutor. In addition the agency in which the individual is employed in will be expected to identify work-based mentors to work with the student and university tutor in supporting and developing the student’s knowledge, skills and practice. For ‘independent’ workers suitable mentoring arrangements will be negotiated with them on an individual basis.

    It is anticipated that each level will involve a notional time of 300 hours, made up of university teaching and independent study.

    BSc (Hons) Interprofessional Practice

    There are four units at this level – ‘Consolidation in Learning and Practice’, Specialist Modular pathway relevant to the service area in which the individual practices, ‘Enabling Others’ and the ‘Independent Study’ module.

    Post Graduate Certificate

    Please note the Consolidation Unit (or equivalent) is a pre-requisite to this level of study – all students would be expected to demonstrate consolidation of their knowledge, skills and practice following achievement of and experience in professional practice.

    The units that will be studied at this level will be the Specialist Modular pathway and ‘Enabling Others’.

    Please note that all modules are offered as ’stand-alone’ modules.

    In particular for those professionals wishing to develop their knowledge and skills in supporting and supervising students in practice, ‘Enabling Others’ will be of particular relevance.

    Further developments will include:

    Post Graduate Diploma

    It is anticipated that this level will consist of modules which would demonstrate the students ability to practice involving complex decision making and a higher level of professional responsibility.

    Masters Level

    This will incorporate and build on the other levels and aim to allow students to demonstrate the ability to take a lead in the growth and development of professional practice, drawing on in-depth knowledge and skills. This level will focus on the student experiencing, conducting and applying research and knowledge to practice.


    Assessment is through a range of assignments that draw on professional knowledge, skills, experience and development in practice.
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