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BSc Chemistry
This BSc/MSci degree provides an in-depth study of all of the major branches of chemistry, and a comprehensive grounding in modern, practical synthetic and analytical chemistry. Study within these core areas is enhanced by a wide range of special topics, many of which draw from the exciting research of staff within the School.
Entry requirements
Required subjects: chemistry A2 level grade B plus two other subjects at A2 level; mathematics and/or physics AS level is preferred IB score: 34 -32 (6 in Chemistry + 5 other appropriate subjects)
Academic title
BSc Chemistry
Course description
BSc Chemistry
Year one
The first year provides a broad foundation in chemical knowledge and theory, complemented by optional modules. Basic chemistry is covered in theory modules, which accumulate a total of 60 credits, and laboratory methods are covered by a 20-credit practical module. Optional modules amounting to 20 credits per semester may be selected from a wide range offered throughout the University. Within the constraints of the timetable, students have a free choice of optional modules, which could include the standard scientific subjects, languages, management studies and computer science.
Year two
In the second year, theoretical and practical modules build on the knowledge and understanding gained in the first year. You will also pursue a Literature and Communication Skills project that trains you in the use of library and chemistry database facilities to review and evaluate the latest advances in chemistry, as well as in the writing of reports and in the preparation of short talks using presentation and word-processing software. The core material accounts for approximately 90% of your study time (100 credits), the remainder of which can be covered by optional modules (20 credits).
Transfer onto the MSci Chemistry Course is possible at any stage up to this point of your studies.
Year three
The final year of the BSc course provides a balanced treatment of the three branches of chemistry, as well as allowing you the time to study a wide range of optional modules from other Schools within the University. Theory is covered by six 10-credit modules. Practical chemistry, devoted to advanced experimental techniques, and literature and communications skills are covered by a 30 credit module. The remaining 30 credits may be obtained from optional topics, such as Medicinal Chemistry or Industrial Products and Materials, or from modules offered by other schools.
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