BSc Biochemistry

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BSc Biochemistry

  • Objectives We now know the order of the three billion letters of genetic code that make up the human genome. But what do they mean? By answering one question, we have created thousands of new ones. In addition to their traditional roles in areas such as clinical diagnosis and pharmacological research and development, biochemists will be responsible for tackling many of these questions.
  • Entry requirements Typical entry requirements A level grades BBB-BCC (300-260 points)
  • Academic title BSc Biochemistry
  • Course description The modular structure of our programme, with a broad base at the beginning and ample opportunities for specialisation at the end, and the professional placement in the middle, will give you both breadth and in-depth knowledge, which is part of the secret behind the outstanding employability of our graduates.

    At Level 1 you will be given a broad base of knowledge and skills. You will study 12 core modules. Five of these modules are practical, and are taught in our state-of-the-art teaching laboratories. Starting from the basis of A level Chemistry, you will be guided towards the specific chemistry of biological molecules and biological processes. You will also follow other key modules such as Microbiology, Cell Biology, and Molecular Biology and Genetics.

    During Level 2 you will be exposed to more in-depth knowledge where you will apply basic theories to more complex scenarios in problem-solving exercises. You will study subjects such as Molecular Biology and Genetics, and Physiology in greater depth, and acquaint yourself with important novel subjects such as Pharmacology and Immunology, all of which are important for preparing you for your professional training year. Finally, you will study numerous aspects of biochemistry itself, including Analytical Biochemistry, Enzymology, and Metabolism in Health and Disease.

    At Level 3 you will study specific sets of core modules determined by your programme variant. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to tailor your own degree by choosing optional modules from other areas. The largest single component of the year is the research project (equivalent to three modules) carried out as a member of a research group under the supervision of a member of academic staff. This will give you the opportunity to explore a research area you are especially interested in and develop specialised lab-based skills and experience.

    Also, BSc Biochemistry (Medical) , BSc Biochemistry (Neuroscience), BSc Biochemistry (Pharmacolgy) , BSc  Biochemistry (Toxicolgy), BSc Biochemistry with Foundation Year.
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