ObjectivesMuch that is central to computer science has been motivated by the development of artificial intelligence. The Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science degree course is designed to cover the fundamentals of both artificial intelligence and computer science.
Entry requirements-GCE/VCE A Levels - ABB including A Level Mathematics -BTEC National Certificate: 2 Distinctions and Grade B in A Level Mathematics -Two GCE A Levels plus two GCE AS Levels - AB+BB including A Level Mathematics -Scottish Highers: AAAB including Mathematics -Scottish Advanced Highers: ABB including Mathematics -Irish Leaving Cert. - AABBB including Mathematics -International Baccalaureate - 33 points including 5 points in Mathematics at Higher Level
Academic titleArtificial Intelligence and Computer Science BSc
Course descriptionThis is a list of modules that have been offered in the past. We expect similar modules to be offered for courses starting in 2009.
Typical First Year Modules
-Artificial Intelligence Techniques
-Computer Architectures
-Continuous Foundations
-Discrete Foundations
-Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
-Introduction to Programming
-Network Architectures
-Object-Oriented Programming
-Requirements Engineering
-Systems Design and Testing
-Discovering Psychology
-Mind, Brain and Personal Identity
Typical Second Year Modules
-Abstract Data Types
-Adaptive Robotics
-Database Technology
-Functional Programming
-Human Computer Interaction and Graphical Interfaces
-Machines and Languages
-Pattern Processing
-Professional Issues
-Symbolic Reasoning
-Systems Analysis and Design
-Descartes and The Empiricists
-Software Hut
-The Rationalists
-Theory of Knowledge
-Neurons, Images and Chaos: Methods for Cognitive Science
Typical Third Year Modules
-Individual Research Project 2
-Individual Research Project 1: Survey and Analysis Report
-3D Computer Graphics
-Adaptive Intelligence
-Applications of Information Theory
-Computer Games Technology
-Concurrent Systems
-Critical Analysis in Artificial Intelligence
-Java E-Commerce
-Machine Learning Foundations
-Modelling and Simulation of Natural Systems
-Natural Language Processing
-Network Performance Analysis
-Programming Language Semantics
-Speech Processing
-Speech Technology
-Text Processing
-The Intelligent Web
-Theory of Distributed Systems