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Bacteriology PGDip
Entry requirements
Entry requirements: A minimum Upper Second class honours degree, or the overseas equivalent, in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, microbiology, medical laboratory sciences, or alternative qualifications that reflect a similar level of constitution in elementary microbiology.
Academic title
Bacteriology PGDip
Course description
Course description
The Diploma in Bacteriology (DipBact) was first established in the 1920s by Professor W W C Topley, and has played a major role in the training of medical microbiologists from many countries around the world. It is designed to enable microbiologists who do not wish to complete a full Masters Programme to obtain a postgraduate microbiology qualification. The aim of the programme is to provide you with a systematic understanding of the scientific basis of traditional and novel microbiological concepts, and with the knowledge, specialist practical skills and critical awareness to enable you to pursue careers in the microbiological field, whether in the hospital, laboratory, industrial or research setting. The DipBact is recognised as suitable training for the MRC Path.
Module details
The programme runs in parallel with the MSc Medical and Molecular Microbiology and consists of the following units:
-General and Introductory Bacteriology
-Antibiotics and Bacterial Genetics
-Molecular Microbiology and Mycology
-Systematic Bacteriology I and II
-General and Molecular Virology
-Diagnostic and Clinical Virology
-A specialist interest course unit
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