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BA Retail Buying
* Leads to a range of exciting and versatile careers * Prepares graduates for the specialist areas of fashion, textile and related accessories buying * Meet buying experts and work on live projects with industry * Strong retail links provide the latest technical and design skills.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements Students should normally have one of the following (together with a good portfolio for the Fashion pathway): * 240 points, to include two GCE/VCE A Levels. For the Fashion pathway, at least one A Level grade C should be in art or design subject * National Diploma merit profile in a relevant subject * Successful completion of a relevant Foundation or Access Course Applications from mature students (21+) with alternative qualifications and/or work experience are welcomed.
Academic title
BA Retail Buying
Course description
BA Retail Buying
The two pathways in Fashion and Textiles share a common Year One, where students experience skills essential to all areas such as materials skills, colour and trend prediction, and those required to work in today's fast moving retail buying environment. This knowledge is then applied to the chosen pathway from the end of Year One.
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