BA Music and Hispanic Studies

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BA Music and Hispanic Studies

  • Objectives The BA in Music and Hispanic Studies is a Dual Honours four-year course, which allows you to combine the study of two subjects. Music: An extensive range of modules in level one allows you to define your own modular programme through levels two and three. You may wish to specialise at level three in composition, dissertation or performance. A personal tutor will work with you over three years to help you make the most of your studies and encourage you to excel. Lectures, seminars and group tutorials are reinforced by individual supervision or feedback. Most of the degree is assessed through projects, performances and coursework, giving you a chance to develop your own skills and interests in an independent and creative manner. The Performance module at level one is assessed by a short recital; the level three Instrumental or Vocal Recital is given in public. While following a recital track you are given tuition on your principal instrument. Hispanic Studies: About a third of teaching time is devoted to developing your written and oral fluency in Spanish, supported by language laboratory, video and satellite TV facilities and regular classes with native-speakers. Level one provides a grounding in the language, culture, history and society of Spain and Latin America. Suitably qualified students can also take Portuguese or Catalan. Levels two and three allow you to plan your work to suit your particular interests, offering a broad coverage of Spanish and Latin American culture, history and society. Level Three also includes practically-based modules on Interpreting, Translating, and Teaching. We offer a large number of year abroad options in Spain and Latin America, and are flexible in making arrangements to suit your interests.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements GCE/VCE A Levels - BBB-BBC Two GCE A Levels plus two GCE AS Levels - BB+BB Scottish Highers - AABB-ABBB Irish Leaving Cert. - ABBBB International Baccalaureate - 32-30 points Core Requirements - Grade B in GCE A Level Music plus Grade B in GCE A Level language (not necessarily Spanish)
  • Academic title BA Music and Hispanic Studies
  • Course description Our students usually select from a range of compulsory and optional modules to add up to 120 credits.

    Some departments offer courses that don't feature optional modules whereas other courses are fully flexible.

    Important notice :
    This is a list of modules that have been offered in the past. We expect similar modules to be offered for courses starting in 2009.

    This information is provided for illustration only and you should check with the department directly when applying to confirm module options.

    Typical First Year Modules

    Module/Unit Credits
    Spanish Advanced: Language and Culture I  20
    Spanish Advanced: Language and Culture II  20
    Spanish Beginners: Language and Culture I  20
    Spanish Beginners: Language and Culture II  20
    Case Studies in Western Music  10
    Composition  10
    Critical Responses to Music  10
    Individual Project  10
    Introduction to Harmony and Counterpoint  10
    Introduction to Studio Techniques  10
    Listening Skills  10
    Music History  10
    Music of the World  10
    Performance  10
    Popular Music Studies  10
    Stylistic Harmony  10
    Typical Second Year Modules

    Module/Unit Credits
    Advanced Spanish Language I  10
    Advanced Spanish Language II  10
    Analytical Approaches to Music  20
    Ballet Music in the Twentieth Century  20
    Baroque Counterpoint  20
    Classical Harmony  20
    Contemporary Popular Music  20
    Creative Applications of Music Technology  20
    Early Nineteenth-Century Harmonic Styles  20
    Ensemble Class  20
    Ethnomusicology  20
    History of Popular Music  20
    Intermediate Composition  20
    Jazz History  20
    Messiaen and His Times  20
    Music Perception  20
    Music and Arts Administration  20
    Music and the Recording Industry  20
    Music in Culture and Society  20
    Music in Education  20
    Music in Paris 1900-45  20
    Music in the Community  20
    Musical Culture in East Asia  20
    Nineteenth-Century Symphonic Thought  20
    Orchestral Technique  20
    Practical Skills  20
    Practice and Concepts of Improvisation  20
    Psychological Approaches to Performance  20
    Sound Recording Practice  20
    Studies in Music since 1945  20
    The American Experimental Tradition  20
    The Late Baroque  20
    The Operas of Mozart  20
    The String Quartet, 1770-1828  20
    Wagnerian Music Drama  20
    Contemporary Latin America (Cuba)  10
    Contemporary Latin America (Mexico)  10
    Cuban Culture and the Revolution  10
    Further Portuguese: Language and Culture I  10
    Further Portuguese: Language and Culture II  10
    Hispanic Film and Human Rights  10
    Intensive Catalan I  10
    Intensive Catalan II  10
    Intensive Portuguese I  10
    Intensive Portuguese II  10
    Linguistic Developments in Modern Spain  10
    Narrative Perspectives on Post-Civil War Spain  10
    Spain and Enlightenment  10
    Spanish American 20th-Century Literature I  10
    The Novels of Benito Perez Galdos  10
    Troubled Times: Writers and Social Conflict in the Spain of the 1930s  10
    Typical Third Year Modules

    Module/Unit Credits
    Hispanic Studies Year Abroad  40
    Hispanic Studies Year Abroad  40
    Hispanic Studies Year Abroad (Project)  20
    Hispanic Studies Year Abroad (Project)  20
    Typical Fourth Year Modules

    Module/Unit Credits
    Advanced Spanish Language III  10
    Advanced Spanish Language IV  10
    Extended Dissertation  40
    Extended Portfolio of Compositions  40
    Extended Prepared Instrumental or Vocal Recital  40
    Dissertation  20
    Dissertation  20
    Portfolio of Compositions  20
    Prepared Instrumental or Vocal Recital  20
    Spanish Language Teaching  20
    Catalan Advanced: Language and Culture I  10
    Catalan Advanced: Language and Culture II  10
    Contemporary Argentina  10
    Dissidence and Debate in Early 20th-Century Spain  10
    Genesis and Genre: From Novel to Play to Screen: Galdos Today  10
    Interpreting Skills  10
    Law and Culture in the Hispanic World  10
    Media Ethics in the Hispanic World  10
    Modern Peru  10
    Modern Uruguayan Narrative  10
    Popular Culture and Society in Latin America  10
    Portuguese Advanced: Language and Culture I  10
    Portuguese Advanced: Language and Culture II  10
    Portuguese Advanced: Language and Culture III  10
    Portuguese Advanced: Language and Culture IV  10
    Spain Since 1975  10
    The Politics and Fiction of Crisis: 1868 - 1898  10
    The Spanish-American New Narrative  10
    Translation Studies  10
    Writers Under Franco  10
    Writing in Exile  10
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