BA Media Practice

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BA Media Practice

  • Objectives The BA(Hons) Media Practice is a creative media production course that combines video, sound and multimedia. Initially these are treated as separate subject areas, allowing you production experience in each of the three media areas. However, as the course develops over the three years, students are encouraged to look at the ways in which these different media forms relate and feed into each other. This interrelation of media forms is seen as a crucial part of the course, and is designed to prepare you for working in an industry with rapidly converging technologies.
  • Entry requirements Requirements GCSE: 5 GCSE, or 1 A-level and 3 GCSE, or 2 A-level and 2 GCSE, or 3 A-level and evidence of other subjects studied Relevant subjects: Art, Design and Technology EDEXCEL (BTEC) Diploma (Final Year): Diploma in Art and Design or Foundation Media acceptable Access: Yes Baccalaureate EB %: 60 Baccalaureate IB pts: 24
  • Academic title BA Media Practice
  • Course description Content

    Year 1

    Year 1 introduces the basics of programme-making in video, sound and multimedia, so that each student produces work in each one of these media. Seminars introduce key ideas and debates, and begin to critique media processes. At the same time, a series of workshops introduces production and technical skills - students learn to plan, record and edit simple sequences in video and sound and to use computers to manipulate text, sound, and images to make a simple multimedia project.

    Year 2

    You explore a wide range of media forms working in production teams, at the same time as beginning to specialise in one medium; in this way, you can begin to balance broad cross-media investigation with depth of analysis. In seminars and tutorials, you compare and debate new and traditional media; you reflect on the ideas generated by these debates in your project work. A series of workshops develop specialisms in video, sound and multimedia.

    In both Years 1 and 2 there are opportunities to take cross-Faculty elective modules which introduce and explore different aspects of study in art, media and design.

    Year 3

    You concentrate on producing a portfolio which demonstrates the range and quality of your work. You write evaluations which critically analyse your process through the year and put your projects into a wider context. All honours students also research and write an extended essay as part of a series of Visual Culture modules.
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