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BA History
Our History department has an International reputation for the quality of its research. Undergraduates are taught by leading researchers who bring their evidence and investigations into the classroom
Entry requirements
The university requires you to have at least 2 A Levels (or equivalent) to begin an Honours Undergraduate Degree Programme or at least one for a Foundation Degree. The entry requirements for undergraduate degrees are given generally in UCAS Tariff Points.
Academic title
BA History
Course description
BA History
Year 1
-American History c1600-1850 B
-Britain and Africa, c1750-2000 B
-English History c 1500-1900 A
-The First World War A
Year 2
-Historical Writing
-Historical Writing Workshop
-Early Modern England 1500-1650: Growth and Polarisation
-Elizabethan England and Jacobean Britain c 1558-1625 B
-England United and Disunited c1480 - 1560 A
-Europe 1848-1917 A
-Germany 1871-1933 B
-Peace, Power and Prosperity, British Society 1789-1914 A
-Politics and Culture in Eighteenth Century Britain B
-Popular Religion in Reformation Europe B
-Propaganda in 20th century War and Politics A
-The Age of the Cold War, 1945-1991 [B]
-The Slave Trade, 1640-1840 A
-USA 1861 to 1969: From Civil War to Civil Rights A
Year 3
-Final Year History Dissertation
-Community History in 19th Century England: Regional and Local History in Theory
-Fascism in Italy 1915-1945 A
-Independent Study Module A
-Independent Study Module B
-Making the Consumer Culture in Britain, 1660-1850 B
-Public History, Memory and Heritage A
-The 1956 Suez Crisis: Causes, Course and Impact 1945-1962 B
-The British Civil Wars c1638-1660 B
-The Politics of Parliamentary Reform, 1760-1832 B
-The Third Reich B
-The United States' Rise to Superpowerdom 1918-1945 A
-The Weimar Republic A
-Towns, Cities and People - Britain, 1680 - 1800 A
-Women in Britain 1640-1820 B
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Other programs related to history
Institution: University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
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Institution: University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences
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