BA History

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BA History

  • Objectives Our History department has an International reputation for the quality of its research. Undergraduates are taught by leading researchers who bring their evidence and investigations into the classroom
  • Entry requirements The university requires you to have at least 2 A Levels (or equivalent) to begin an Honours Undergraduate Degree Programme or at least one for a Foundation Degree. The entry requirements for undergraduate degrees are given generally in UCAS Tariff Points.
  • Academic title BA History
  • Course description BA History

    Year 1

    -American History c1600-1850 B
    -Britain and Africa, c1750-2000 B
    -English History c 1500-1900 A
    -The First World War A

    Year 2

    -Historical Writing
    -Historical Writing Workshop

    -Early Modern England 1500-1650: Growth and Polarisation
    -Elizabethan England and Jacobean Britain c 1558-1625 B
    -England United and Disunited c1480 - 1560 A
    -Europe 1848-1917 A
    -Germany 1871-1933 B
    -Peace, Power and Prosperity, British Society 1789-1914 A
    -Politics and Culture in Eighteenth Century Britain B
    -Popular Religion in Reformation Europe B
    -Propaganda in 20th century War and Politics A
    -The Age of the Cold War, 1945-1991 [B]
    -The Slave Trade, 1640-1840 A
    -USA 1861 to 1969: From Civil War to Civil Rights A

    Year 3

    -Final Year History Dissertation

    -Community History in 19th Century England: Regional and Local History in Theory
    -Fascism in Italy 1915-1945 A
    -Independent Study Module A
    -Independent Study Module B
    -Making the Consumer Culture in Britain, 1660-1850 B
    -Public History, Memory and Heritage A
    -The 1956 Suez Crisis: Causes, Course and Impact 1945-1962 B
    -The British Civil Wars c1638-1660 B
    -The Politics of Parliamentary Reform, 1760-1832 B
    -The Third Reich B
    -The United States' Rise to Superpowerdom 1918-1945 A
    -The Weimar Republic A
    -Towns, Cities and People - Britain, 1680 - 1800 A
    -Women in Britain 1640-1820 B
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