BA Fashion and Textile Buying

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BA Fashion and Textile Buying

  • Objectives The courses provides a unique blend of understanding of business, management, buying and retailing, applied to the fashion and textile industries, with an understanding of the manufacturing chain from raw material to product. We also cover design awareness, an essential ingredient for enhancing your career prospects in the world of fashion and textiles. The structure of the programme means that you can study all these aspects during your first two years and then make an informed decision about which specific route you wish to follow: Buying, Management or Retailing. Your placement and final year dedicated to your chosen route.
  • Entry requirements Entry Requirements Additional requirements for this course are normally one of the following: 240-320 points gained in A levels including two 6- unit (A2) Awards. A minimum of 200 points gained in Advanced Vocational Certificate in Education Double Awards (AVCE) plus an additional 40-120 points gained at A2 or equivalent qualification. An EdExcel/BTEC National Diploma in a relevant subject, with a minimum of three merits. Successful completion of a Foundation course in Art & Design with at least 100 points at AS/A2 level in relevant subjects. In addition to the above, strong emphasis will be placed on your verbal communication skill during the interview. Other suitable experience or qualifications will be considered.
  • Academic title BA Fashion and Textile Buying
  • Course description Course Structure

    Courses share the first two years in common, to give you the key elements of retailing, buying, management and market knowledge. You will study design awareness, in terms of design and styling trends as well as the contextual study of design. You will also examine the effects of global influences such as overseas sourcing on fashion and textiles. With advice from tutors at the end of the second year, you will decide on which of the named awards to follow. You will concentrate on this specific area during the final year culminating in a major research project on current and future trends and developments in your chosen subject area. Central to our philosophy is the development and integration of interpersonal skills such as communication, time management, team-work, research and computer literacy.

    Also, Fashion and Textile Management BA, Fashion and Textile Retailing BA, Fashion Design (Top-up) BA, Fashion Design with Manufacturing Marketing and Promotion BA.
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