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BA English
This degree gives you an excellent knowledge of a chronological range of texts, from medieval times to contemporary popular culture, while allowing you to choose where you wish to specialise. You will develop critical confidence and the ability to express your views orally and on paper, providing you with skills of the greatest value in a wide assortment of careers.
Entry requirements
There are different entry qualifications for each programme. Some programmes require you to have a certain amount of knowledge in a subject before you begin the degree programme – this is called a ‘subject requirement’. Other programmes do not have any specific subject requirements. All programmes will, however, expect you to have reached a certain standard in your education and will ask you to achieve certain grades in your examinations. Most programmes have a standard offer so that you know in advance what you are likely to need. Please note that even if you have the minimum entry qualifications, you are not necessarily guaranteed a place on the degree programme.
Academic title
BA English
Course description
Year 1
-Languages of Literature
-What Kind of Text is This?
-Revisioning Shakespeare
-As with many other subjects in the Arts & Humanities, you are required to choose modules from another subject(s) to make up the total six modules needed for your first year.
Year 2
-Renaissance Texts & Cultures
-Modern Drama
-Romantics to Decadents
-Modernity, Crisis and Narrative Fiction
-Writing America
-Film Narrative
-Literary Criticism & Theory
-Communications at Work
-Women's Writing
-Creative Writing and Critical Practice
Final Year
-4 modules to be chosen from a list of approximately 40 special topics including:
-From Troy to Camelot: Medieval Romance
-Renaissance Women Writing
-The Roots of Gothic
-Victorian Sensation Novels
-Children's Literature
-American Poetry
-The Literature of Science
-Contemporary Drama
-Plus a Dissertation
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