English Literature and History BA Honours

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English Literature and History BA Honours

  • Course description English Literature and History BA Honours:

    Course summary:

    This course allows you to combine the study of literary texts with the study of history. It enables you to gain a command of the social and political circumstances in which the writing of literature has taken place, as well as of the texts themselves.

    You will be able to develop your knowledge and understanding of the key periods, themes, styles and techniques in literary studies, and be able to use that learning in critical form. You will also develop a substantial body of knowledge and understanding of the modern history of London, Britain and Europe, including in the global context.

    The course will give you the skills and knowledge to enter careers with a signi?cant element of research, such as in broadcasting, journalism, teaching or publishing. It will also equip you with the transferable and cognitive skills necessary for lifelong personal and professional development.

    Depending on whether the course is taken as a joint Honours or a major/ minor combination, the balance of the two subject areas varies. In Year 3 you can complete a dissertation in English literature or history.

    English Literature:
    You will be able to study literature from a wide range of periods and genres from Shakespeare to the present day, including non-?ction texts as well as novels, poetry and drama. In the ?rst year you will develop your skills, knowledge and con?dence in literary studies in the context of our small group tutorial system. In the second and third years a wide range of option modules are offered; through these studies you will develop a deep understanding of literature and its place in British culture, and be able to relate the study of English literature to the broader context of Western history and thought.

    You will have access to a wide variety of interesting modules, many of them unique to Westminster. Our focus is explicitly modern, but within a very broad geographical sweep. There are core modules in modern British and European history and we provide advanced research training to prepare you for your dissertation. We offer options on the fascinating history of London in peace and at war, along with an extensive range of other modules. You can also take a credit-bearing internship in a museum, library or archive in London.

    The main modes of teaching are seminars, workshops, lectures and field trips, but much of your learning is independent, conducted beyond the classroom (individually and in groups) in the library, at home, and via online learning. Assessment methods include essays, critical analyses, exams, presentations, journals, portfolios and your dissertation. 
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