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BA Dance
This new degree has a broader focus than most dance degree courses. It is designed to capitalise on the vibrant multicultural dance scene in London and to assist students who may not have a classical or contemporary dance background to develop their knowledge and skills and to apply these in new ways. The curriculum covers 'urban', ethnic and popular dance styles as well as more-conventional classical and contemporary dance; while joint honours combinations such as drama, music or film studies enable you to explore the possibilities of interdisciplinary work.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements * a degree (level 6) in an Early Years subject or a degree (level 6) in any subject plus a level 3 qualification in an Early Years subject * a GCSE grade C in English and Maths * a current Criminal Records Bureau clearance * recent and considerable experience across whole 0-5 years age range
Academic title
BA Dance
Course description
BA Dance
Year 1
-Cultural Perspectives on British Dance
-English in Action
-Explorations in British Dance
-Making Dance Happen
-Making Theatre Happen
-Physical Articulation 1
-Representation and Identity
-Technique and Expression
Year 2
-Arts Management
-Beginning Choreography
-Classical Forms
-Collaborative Performance Project 2: Hybrid Art Forms
-Contemporary Dance
-Dance in the Global City: Critical and Analytical Perspectives
-From Street to Stage
-Physical and Dance Theatre
-Social Dance
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