BA Accounting and Financial Accounting and Financial Management and Information Management

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BA Accounting and Financial Accounting and Financial Management and Information Management

  • Objectives In accounting and financial management you will gain a good technical grounding and have the opportunity to specialise in particular areas of accounting and financial management, like financial accounting, management accounting or finance. Likewise, in the information management part of the degree, you will gain a good grounding in understanding how information systems can be developed to meet the requirements of both individuals and organisations. You will also learn how organisations work, and how information strategies must take into account people's needs and behaviour.
  • Entry requirements -GCE/VCE A Levels - BBB -BTEC National Diploma - 2 Distinctions and 1 Merit -Two GCE A Levels plus two GCE AS Levels - BB+BB -Scottish Highers - B/AAB (Scottish Advanced/Highers) -Irish Leaving Cert. - ABBBB -International Baccalaureate - 32 points -Core Requirements - Grade B in Mathematics at GCSE or equivalent.
  • Academic title Accounting and Financial Accounting and Financial Management and Information Management BA
  • Course description This is a list of modules that have been offered in the past. We expect similar modules to be offered for courses starting in 2009.

    Typical First Year Modules

    -Information and Communication Networks in Organisations    
    -Introduction to Information Management    
    -Introduction to Management Accounting    
    -Financial Accounting Introduction 1    
    -Financial Accounting Introduction 2    
    -Introduction to Behaviour at Work    
    -Introduction to Operations Management    
    -Introductory Business Statistics A    
    -Introductory Business Statistics B    
    -Principles of Marketing    
    -Quantitative and IT Skills B    
    -Quantitative and Information Technology Skills A    

    Typical Second Year Modules

    -Financial Management    
    -Information Management in the Learning Organisation    
    -Information Retrieval: Search Engines and Digital Libraries
    -Information Systems Modelling    
    -Intermediate Financial Accounting    
    -Budgeting and Control    
    -Information Systems Development    
    -Intermediate Management Accounting    
    -Introduction to Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing    
    -Issues in Financial Management    
    -Project Management    

    Typical Third Year Modules

    -Information Management and Strategy    
    -Advances in Financial Accounting    
    -Advances in Management Accounting    
    -An Introduction to Financial Derivatives    
    -Business Intelligence
    -Case Studies in Accounting and Financial Management
    -Corporate Finance    
    -Corporate Social Responsibility    
    -Digital Multimedia    
    -Financial Reporting Theory    
    -Healthcare Information    
    -Information Management in the Digital Economy
    -Information Systems and the Information Society    
    -Public Sector Accounting & Financial Management
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