Applied Criminology MSc, PgD, PgC

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Applied Criminology MSc, PgD, PgC

  • Objectives This programme seeks to provide an advanced understanding of criminology and its application to contemporary criminal justice issues. It meets the requirements of professionals working in the criminal justice system and individuals interested in pursuing further academic interests or a career in criminal justice. It also has the flexibility to respond to your own individual aspirations. You will be taught by a team of experienced lecturers and associated specialists from the UK, enhanced by contributions from international experts who will add their own unique perspectives. A number of visits will be organised for you to attend criminal justice agencies which may include prisons, probation centres, courts, police stations, victims suites, youth offending team projects and community safety teams.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements An honours degree (2:2 or above) in a related area such as criminal justice, law or social sciences, or professional qualifications and experience in criminal justice, policing, prisons, probation, drugs and alcohol, nursing, clinical psychology, social work, counselling or the voluntary sector. For international students an English Language ability at IELTS 6.0. Students who do not meet the above requirements will be considered on an individual basis.
  • Academic title Applied Criminology MSc, PgD, PgC
  • Course description Careers

    The programmer meets the requirements of professionals and volunteers working in the criminal justice system and individuals interested in pursuing further academic interests or a career in criminal justice.

    Typical career paths include; Police Service, Probation Service, Prison Service, Court Service, Forensic Services, Youth Justice Services.

    Teaching methods

    This is a taught programme which can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis. Teaching delivery includes a range of methods such as e-learning, blended learning, individual and group project work. You also will be provided with individual tutor support. In addition, time will be spent researching and preparing the dissertation. All assessment will be coursework based.  

    Course content

    Year 1 - full details

    Core modules

    -Applied Crimonology
    -Crime Prevention, Community Safety and Risk in Contemporary Societies
    -Research Project

    Optional modules

    -Law and Penal Policy - A Comparative Framework
    -Mentally Disordered Offenders: Management and Practice
    -Sexual Offenders: Management and Practice
    -Substance Misusing Offenders: Management and Practice
    -Young Offenders: Management and Practice
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  • + Information by E-mail