Advanced Studies in the Management of Social Welfare Organisations MSc-Postgraduate Diploma-Postgraduate Certificate

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Advanced Studies in the Management of Social Welfare Organisations MSc-Postgraduate Diploma-Postgraduate Certificate

  • Objectives The programme is intended for managers from social welfare organisations e.g. social work, social care, community development projects and other initiatives promoting welfare and social justice. These organisations may be in the statutory or voluntary (NGO or Non Governmental Organisation) sectors. At a time when roles, identities and structures in social welfare organisations are experiencing development and change, this programme offers a basis from which to develop or consolidate management skills and to evaluate and implement innovation. The programme aims to extend understanding of leadership and management within social welfare and to apply this understanding to the workplace, thereby improving management skills and the quality of service provision. This programme is delivered by staff in the Social Work section of the Department of Applied Social Science. This is a large interdisciplinary unit, combining teaching and research interests in Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, Social Work, Dementia and Housing Studies and a number of specialist centres. It has a strong academic reputation in all these areas.
  • Entry requirements Entrance Requirements Applications for this Master’s level programme are encouraged from graduates. However, experienced individuals without degrees but with appropriate professional qualifications are welcomed, with a requirement for you to show your ability through a piece of written work and an interview (this could include a telephone interview). You are expected to word-process your own work for assessment. Applicants are required to evidence management experience in a social welfare organisation or related field.
  • Academic title Advanced Studies in the Management of Social Welfare Organisations MSc/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate
  • Course description Structure and Content

    The four taught modules last ten months, with exit points after four months (end of December) for a Postgraduate Certificate and after ten months (May) for a Postgraduate Diploma. The dissertation for the MSc is completed after the taught modules. Two modules run concurrently each semester (10 weeks per semester: September to December and February to May).

    The curriculum covers:
        Managing in the Context of a Social Services Agency: This module will: identify current trends and developments in contemporary social work, analyse the political and legal framework of social work, relate present-day services to the history of social work, identify the fiscal arrangements for social work, review the manager’s role and accountability; consider Scottish and UK social services in the international context.
        Managing the Current Service: This module will help you to: apply organisation theory; consider the impact of organisational culture on service delivery; evaluate performance improvement frameworks for your own service area; develop procedures for quality assurance and quality audit; use research in evaluating service effectiveness; identify best value and value for money in social work; explore the challenges and opportunities of collaborative practice.
        Managing and Supervising Staff: This module will: apply leadership theories and management style analysis to your own work; identify management tasks in relation to ethical issues and anti-oppressive practice; apply employment legislation and policy; analyse methods for the recruitment and selection of staff; evaluate staff induction procedures; use a range of models for staff supervision; monitor the effectiveness of staff appraisal, training and development programmes; build and manage effective teams.
        Managing Change and Innovation: This module will help you to: apply theories of change management in your organisational context; plan, implement and evaluate innovation; analyse effective leadership strategies for managing change and transition; develop agency planning systems; use strategic planning and networking to respond to changing demands; explore meaningful ways of strengthening service user and carer involvement in service planning and evaluation.

    Delivery and Assessment

    Each module is taught during 10 days at the University. These are spread over four months, with units of two or three days each month (September to December and February to May). Full-time students undertake four modules within the academic year (two modules in each semester). The teaching day consists of seminar presentations, group discussion and small group work. The assessment for each module is by either one or two assignments, with most requiring discussion of the application of management theory to the delivery of social welfare services. The MSc dissertation is completed between June and August/September of the year following commencement of study. Overseas students may choose to complete this in their home country.

    Career Opportunities

    Successful completion of the programme equips you for senior management posts in social welfare NGOs or government agencies.
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