Advanced Information Systems (MSc)

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Advanced Information Systems (MSc)

  • Objectives This is a specialist MSc degree focusing on three specific areas: information management, information systems development and advanced computing techniques. The degree has been designed to meet the needs of both full-time students wishing to advance their knowledge of computing and information systems before embarking on a career in IT or on a research degree, and part-time students already working in the IT sector. Students who complete this degree will have gained a specialist knowledge of the above areas, which they will be able to use in analysis of problems arising in information management and information systems development, evaluation and application of technologies, and research into, and development of, new technologies.
  • Entry requirements Entry requirements A good first degree or MSc in computer science. Joint honours computing graduates may also be eligible, provided they have covered the prerequisite material at the appropriate level.
  • Academic title Advanced Information Systems (MSc)
  • Course description This degree consists of eight taught modules and a substantial project. Part-time students follow four of the taught modules in each of the two years, and undertake the project during the second year.

    The eight taught modules are selected from:

    -Advances in Data Management
    -Data Warehousing and Data Mining
    -Developing Internet Applications
    -Component-Based Software Development
    -Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
    -Semantic Web
    -World Wide Web Technologies
    -Advanced Applications
    -Computational Intelligence and Visualisation
    -Image-Based Information Processing
    -Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.

    Please note: not all of the above modules may be offered each year.

    Lectures, laboratory sessions, and coursework completed in your own time.

    Coursework, written examinations and a project.

    When to apply
    Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
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