Comments about Advanced IOS Application Development for iPhone & iPAD - Course - At the institution - Bournemouth - Dorset
The Advanced IOS Application Development course builds on the proficiencies absorbed from the ‘Design and Developing Applications for iPhone & iPad’ introductory course and provides the opportunity to continue development within this cutting edge field.
With the success of both the iPhone and the iPod Touch creating an increasing demand for native applications, the IOS SDK offers a great resource for developers wanting to create innovative and intuitive applications.
The course will bring together a collection of API tutorials and workshops to help you understand and rapid-prototype different projects and applications.
The aim of this course is to give students the knowledge to create applications for the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. The course aims to educate students on some of the more challenging API’s that are currently available on the IOS platform.
Course takes place on 10 Thursday evenings, 6-9pm
Booking opens 13th June for the autumn term commencing 4th October
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