Comments about Accounting and Finance (MSc) - At the institution - Cardiff - Cardiff - Cardiff - Wales
To offer knowledge and expertise for a career in accountancy and finance, including management accounting and control, financial reporting, international corporate finance, international accounting and research in accounting and finance.
Entry requirements
Entry Requirements:
The course is suitable for graduates who possess a first degree in Accounting and Finance, or who have studied a significant amount of accounding and finance as part of their degree; individuals who wish to study advanced accounting and finance in support of their career aspirations, or who intend to proceed to research in accounting and finance areas.
Applications will be considered from recent graduates with an Honours degree from an approved university or those with a similar level of qualification gained by other methods. Non-graduates with approved professional qualifications or work experience may also be considered under certain circumstances.
Applicants whose first language is not English will be required to pass either IELTS/TOEFL exams, obtaining a minimum score of IELTS band 6.5 or 570 in TOEFL (230 for computer-based marking).
Academic title
Accounting and Finance (MSc)
Course description
Course Description:
The course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and rigorous training in advanced accounting and finance. Students take a total of six compulsory modules and two optional modules and submit a research dissertation.
Special Features:
A modular, research-led degree delivered by experienced researchers of international standing
A degree which provides students with an opportunity to focus on international aspects of Accounting and Finance
Provides excellent training for those who wish to pursue doctoral level research with a view to an academic or research-orientated career.